C | Comrc | class | Standard commercial Msg.
I | Urgnt | class | Priority Msg.
P | PrmOH | class | Primary Overhead Msg. Flow codes will switch.
G | AuxOH | class | Overhead. Manual Flow control.
D | Debug | class | Diagnostic Overhead. Used for automated tower / terminus returns.
S | Safe | mod | Msg will not be evaled for Tower commands.
Q | Chain | mod | Tower commands will be executed even if this is not the recieving tower.
N | NoLog | mod | Msg will not be logged on Tower's Drum.
O | OrLog | mod | Msg will only be logged on Originator and Reciever tower Drums.
U | UTurn | flow | Msg is to be sent back the way it came when it reaches a terminus.
E | Echo | flow | Msg is to be sent back once it reaches the recieving tower. This will change to S once it does so.
M | March | flow | Msg is to be sent to the nearest terminus even after it reaches the recieving tower.
B | Brnch | flow | Msg is to be sent all possible directions except originator direction if this tower is a junction.