celinglizardjudgesu fat-for-president Follow
2 days ago
fivehundredironscrews Follow
40 days ago
"What do we do with a drunken translator?"
or 'why I had to explain to my grandmother that Kobolds do not, in fact, eat curtains.'

So it's 1AM right now and I think y'all should know about this conference held in [YEAR] between the Thalian and Arkanian governments.
It was an incredible series of mistakes and bad decisions, and it fucked up Human-Kobold relations for at least two centuries.
The echoes of it can still be felt today.

Hence the subtitle of this post.

  • A day before the conference, the Red Fleet ambassador realized none of his retinue spoke Tyrian. He thought his batman did because he'd overheard him speaking Dwarvish to a Ilian Kobold porter. Which. how. how the fuck do you mistake Dwarvish for Tyrian?
    • In fact, two other members of the retinue ALSO knew Shallow Dwarvish and one was studying Left Elvish.
  • Luckily most of the Thalian officials spoke at least a little S-Dwarvish. So they could sort of translate things from Tyrian to S-Dwarf to English.
  • So they started doing that.
  • There was supposed to be a Thalian official who spoke English there; Adai Tiviavar Sen.
    • A cousin of theirs who they were VERY close to had died the previous day and the rest of their family was apparently arguing over funerary procedures. And the night before they'd "sampled" half a stellar wine with a good friend. But here was this thing that Sen arbitrarily decided was More Important than all that, so they decided to go anyway.
    • Even though they still had the mother of all hangovers by the time they arrived. And were in fact a good hour late.
  • There's more.

#tw alcohol #tw death mention

jimothytheimpaler Follow
37 days ago

wait. WAit you mean THAT Tiviavar Sen?


fat-for-president Follow
3 days ago

Happy 385th extrapolated birthday to local celebrity madperson Tiviavar Sen!
Fun fact: During the occupation, they got re-hired by

#history #tw history mention

+++ GNU Tiviavar Sen +++

#history #person #If we don't meet them in stars itll only because WE were deemed unworthy.